We are who we are

To understand others we need to understand ourselves first. Our behaviour is connected with our personality. We can choose our friends, but it is almost impossible to choose people we have to work with. Unfortunately, any job-interview doesn’t guarantee that we will fit in well with the team. In this case it is very important to know, what is our behaviour in response to different situations. Let’s take a look at some example.

X: Hi. I hear, you are going to Florida. Is it true?
Y: How do you know that?
X: Whole company know that. You are very lucky!

Y: Let’s go to the point. Do you finish a report?
X: I forget about that. ……………………………………….
Y: …………………………………………………………………….

What will be your answer in this case? There are a lot of possibilities. Answers may be totally different depending on temperament.

Sanguine seeks to build relationship. In this case it is very likely that such people will ignore the fact that report is unfinished. They will continue interesting conversation about the trip and they won’t worry about the delay.

Phlegmatic like sanguine is relationship oriented person. Such people will talk about the travel but in the same time they will be afraid about the report.

Choleric and melancholy are task oriented people. In most cases they will talk about the report instead of talking about the travel. Melancholy would like to know when the report will be ready. Choleric will be upset. Choleric will order to finish the report as soon as possible, e.g to the end of the day.

Please notice that e.g choleric and sanguine people are natural enemies. This is a quite big problem for the whole team.

Fortunately, our personality is more complex, and we could control our behaviour. I encourage you to read more about the different temperaments :)

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